Dec 21, 2013

Wishes and Website News

Fellow graduates of Morgan Park High School:  Perhaps you paused during late November, like some members of your Mid-60’s Reunion Committee, to give thanks for the education we received at Empehi.  While your social experience may have been less than picture perfect, we hope that you recognize the unique opportunity we were given to learn and grow in the halls of Morgan Park High School at a critical time in history.

Now your Reunion Committee offers greetings of the season to all.  You might have recently enjoyed the eight day Hanukkah observation with its food and rituals that focus on family as well as community.  Maybe you are deep into Christmas preparations both religious and commercial -- or you might be planning for the seven days of Kwanzaa, each of which focuses on a different principle beginning with Umoja (Unity) and concluding with Imani (Faith) – “to believe with all our hearts in our people, our parents, our teachers, our leaders, and the righteousness and victory of our struggle.”

However and wherever you “celebrate the season,” we wish you good health, much happiness and great prosperity (or complete fulfillment as the case may be) in the New Year.  Now that we’ve wished you well, why don’t you sign on to our website at and send a virtual greeting to your classmates by signing our Guest Book?  Better still, complete your Member Profile, and don’t forget to admire our custom logo and take a quick poll.  Look for our updates in 2014, including plans for local mini-reunions which are becoming quite popular among our mid-60s grads. 

A mega-reunion for 25 years of Mustangs is being planned by another group.  We will be forwarding their reunion information when appropriate but will not be sharing our mailing list with them.  We will be happy to put you in touch with that committee if you are interested. Don’t forget to let us know via email to:

if you change your e-mail address, phone number or zip code!  We have former classmates on Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+.  Information on how to stay in touch via those social networks is on the website for those who are interested.

Mid 1960 Classes Reunion Committee
Morgan Park High School - Chicago, Illinois


* You should have received this by email December 21, 2013. If you did not send us an email to correct your email address. Or check to make sure it did not go into your spam folder.

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