Just in case, I did a push-up today....
Marie Stazzone MPHS Alum

Crime and Punishment by the MPHS Committee on High (COH) for MPHS 60 Somethings
The Committee on High of Morgan Park High School Faculty Alumni to Monitor and Enforce Good and Proper Behavior of Morgan Park High School Alumni
Committee on High (COH)
The Pushup Police
We began reconnecting electronically on the EMPEHI Yahoo list in 2002. Old friendships were renewed. All was well in our virtual reality world. You can click below if you would like to join us.
But then we began to get into political food fights. So a second list was created to permit intelligent political discussions while the original list was reserved for pleasant memories and discussions.
Pleasant Discussions
Pleasant Political Discussions
All Was Right with the MPHS Virtual Reality World
It was Truly Meet, Right and Salutary
But all good things must end. Sometimes people would become very angry and dismissive of others viewpoints. Kind of like Archie Bunker without the charm. Conservatives dissing Liberals and vice versa. Kind of like a discussion between Rush Limbaugh and Ed Schultz but without their warmth and charisma.
Some people left the list in disgust. And the food fights spread from the MPHSForum over to the EMPEHIReunion. Something had to be done.
From out of the east a stranger came to tame a troubled land.
Fortunately even in retirement our MPHS Faculty continues to watch over us in a paternal / maternal way. They maintain our permanent records and check to make sure that we continue to behave as the proper young ladies and gentlemen they trained so many years ago. They began to monitor our communications using the NSA and intervened when necessary. They formed the:
The Committee on High of Morgan Park High School Faculty Alumni to Monitor and Enforce Good and Proper Behavior of Morgan Park High School Alumni
aka Committee on High (COH)
The following explains how our MPHS / EMPEHI Crime and Punishment System works. Some of you probably think I just make up these punishments. This is not accurate.
What actually happens is that the COHOMPHSFATMAEGAPBOFMHSA
(Committee on High of Morgan Park High School Faculty Alumni to Monitor and Enforce Good and Proper Behavior of Morgan Park High School Alumni Faculty), aka the Committee on High (COH) for short read our communications carefully and monitor all MPHS Alumni’s words and actions. When they see incorrect behavior, they correct it, just like back in High School. If the miscreant does not humbly and quickly perform the punishment then more punishment is heaped on the guilty transgressor.
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