on the Vietnam Memorial Wall
Our thanks to all of our fallen High School Comrades
Jim Beck
Larry Dart
Ricky Green
Sgt Holstein
Bruce Huff
Al McNabb
Mills Miller
Warren Muhr
Robert Nawrocki
William Newbold
William Lee Owen Jr
And thanks to all the ones we don't know about:
RICHARD JAMES BECK JR is honored on Panel 60E, Row 8 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 5/19/1947 Date of Casualty: 5/14/1968
Home of Record: CHICAGO State: IL Branch of Service: ARMY
Rank: SP4 Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM Casualty Province: HUA NGHIA
RICHARD JAMES BECK JR is honored on Panel 60E, Row 8 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
LAWRENCE MICHAEL DART is honored on Panel 16W, Row 42 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 5/26/1945 Date of Casualty: 11/7/1969
Home of Record: DES MOINES State: IA
Branch of Service: ARMY Rank: SP4
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM Casualty Province: HUA NGHIA
Lawrence Michael Dart
Specialist Four
Army of the United States
26 May 1945 - 07 November 1969
Des Moines, Iowa
Panel 16W Line 042
Army of the United States
26 May 1945 - 07 November 1969
Des Moines, Iowa
Panel 16W Line 042
My brother, Larry Dart, was a great guy and my best friend. We grew up on the southwest side of Chicago in the neighborhood of Mount Greenwood. Larry and I loved music and he was involved in it all his life. He was also a sports fan who was an excellent baseball player. He played first base at Morgan Park High School. He was a very good student, and a 1967 graduate of Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. He was attending Drake Law School when he was drafted. He enlisted hoping to get a better job than infantry. He got Combat Engineer. While in-country he was very popular with his fellow soldiers and worked hard at his job. Two weeks before he was mortally wounded he won the Silver Star for rescuing several men from a ATC that hit a mine and burned. He was injured while clearing a road of a barrel that was booby trapped. He died a week later at Long Bien Hospital. He left behind a beautiful wife, Bette Gae, and many friends. I was his only brother and I miss him more every year. Because every year my children and grand children grow older and more wonderful and I wish they could have been blessed by the company of their Uncle Larry. I do what I can to keep his memory alive in them. From his brother,Jim Dart jadart@verizon.net |
The point-of-contact for this memorial is his brother, Jim Dart jadart@verizon.net |
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With all respect
Jim Schueckler, former CW2, US Army
Ken Davis, Commander, United States Navy (Ret)
Memorial first published on 09 Aug 2007
Last updated 08/20/2007
RICHARD HENRY GREENE is honored on Panel 38W, Row 11 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 3/18/1948 Date of Casualty: 11/19/1968
Home of Record: CHICAGO State: IL Branch of Service: MARINE CORPS
Rank: CPL Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM
Casualty Province: QUANG TRI

Richard Henry Greene Corporal G CO, 2ND BN, 4TH MARINES, 3RD MARDIV, III MAF United States Marine Corps Chicago, Illinois March 18, 1948 to November 19, 1968 RICHARD H GREENE is on the Wall at Panel 38W Line 011 See the full profile for Richard Greene |
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Richard Henry Greene
PERSONAL DATA Home of Record: Chicago, IL Date of birth: 03/18/1948 MILITARY DATA Service: United States Marine Corps Grade at loss: E4 Rank: Corporal ID No: 2359644 MOS: 0311: RIFLEMAN Length Service: 01 Unit: G CO, 2ND BN, 4TH MARINES, 3RD MARDIV, III MAF CASUALTY DATA Start Tour: 11/22/1967 Casualty Date: 11/19/1968 Age at Loss: 20 Location: Quang Tri Province, South Vietnam Remains: Body recovered Casualty Type: Non-hostile, died of illness or injury Casualty Reason: Ground casualty ON THE WALL Panel 38W Line 011
JOHN L HOLSTEIN is honored on Panel 13E, Row 98 ofthe Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 7/10/1930 Date of Casualty: 12/29/1966
Home of Record: SAN BRUNO State: CA
Branch of Service: ARMY Rank: PSGT
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM Casualty Province: PR & MR UNKNOWN
Sgt Holstein was an ROTC Instructor at Morgan Park High School
John L. Holstein Platoon Sergeant C CO, 2ND BN, 12TH CAVALRY, 1ST CAV DIV, USARV Army of the United States San Bruno, California July 10, 1930 to December 29, 1966 JOHN L HOLSTEIN is on the Wall at Panel 13E Line 098 See the full profile for John Holstein |
John L Holstein
Platoon Sergeant
Platoon Sergeant
PERSONAL DATA Home of Record: San Bruno, CA Date of birth: 07/10/1930 MILITARY DATA Service: Army of the United States Grade at loss: E7 Rank: Platoon Sergeant ID No: 19295829 MOS: 11B40: Infantryman Length Service: 18 Unit: C CO, 2ND BN, 12TH CAVALRY, 1ST CAV DIV, USARV CASUALTY DATA Start Tour: 08/18/1966 Casualty Date: 12/29/1966 Incident Date: 12/29/1966 Age at Loss: 36 Location: Province not reported, South Vietnam Remains: Body recovered Casualty Type: Hostile, died outright Casualty Reason: Ground casualty ON THE WALL Panel 13E Line 098
BRUCE NORMAN HUFF is honored on Panel 56E, Row 9 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 2/20/1944 Date of Casualty: 5/6/1968
Home of Record: CHICAGO State: IL
Branch of Service: ARMY Rank: 1LT
Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM Casualty Province: THUA THIEN
Bruce Norman Huff First Lieutenant A CO, 1ST BN, 12TH CAVALRY, 1ST CAV DIV, USARV Army of the United States February 20, 1944 to May 06, 1968 BRUCE N HUFF is on the Wall at Panel 56E Line 009 See the full profile for Bruce Huff |
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Bruce Norman Huff First Lieutenant A CO, 1ST BN, 12TH CAVALRY, 1ST CAV DIV, USARV Army of the United States Chicago, Illinois February 20, 1944 to May 06, 1968 BRUCE N HUFF is on the Wall at Panel 56E Line 009 See the full profile for Bruce Huff |
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Bruce Norman Huff
First Lieutenant
First Lieutenant
PERSONAL DATA Home of Record: Chicago, IL Date of birth: 02/20/1944 MILITARY DATA Service: Army of the United States Grade at loss: O2 Rank: First Lieutenant ID No: O5247925 MOS: 1203: Tank Unit Commander Length Service: 02 Unit: A CO, 1ST BN, 12TH CAVALRY, 1ST CAV DIV, USARV CASUALTY DATA Start Tour: 04/19/1968 Casualty Date: 05/06/1968 Incident Date: 05/06/1968 Age at Loss: 24 Location: Thua Thien Province, South Vietnam Remains: Body recovered Casualty Type: Hostile, died outright Casualty Reason: Ground casualty ON THE WALL Panel 56E Line 009
ALFRED LEE MCNABB is honored on Panel 36E, Row 80 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 12/19/1948 Date of Casualty: 2/2/1968
Home of Record: CHICAGO State: IL Branch of Service: MARINE CORPS
Rank: PFC Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM Casualty Province: QUANG TRI
Alfred Lee Mc Nabb Private First Class 3RD PLT, H CO, 2ND BN, 9TH MARINES, 3RD MARDIV, III MAF United States Marine Corps December 19, 1948 to February 02, 1968 ALFRED L Mc NABB is on the Wall at Panel 36E Line 080 See the full profile for Alfred Mc Nabb |
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MILLS CRAFT MILLER is honored on Panel 16E, Row 94 of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.
Date of Birth: 12/5/1946 Date of Casualty: 3/16/1967
Home of Record: TOLEDO State: OH Branch of Service: MARINE CORPS
Rank: LCPL Casualty Country: SOUTH VIETNAM Casualty Province: QUANG NGAI
Mills Craft MillerLance Corporal M CO, 3RD BN, 7TH MARINES, 1ST MARDIV United States Marine Corps 05 December 1946 - 16 March 1967 Toledo, Ohio Panel 16E Line 094 |
The database page for Mills Craft Miller
You will always live through the people who knew you and loved you. A memorial from his brother, Monty Miller montgilder@bellsouth.net |
To my brothers in arms, and especially my friends HN Joe F. Kelley , HM3 William Broad , and Cpl Bobbie Ratliff . I think of you all even though it has been 38 years. I remember seeing Joe and Bill in body bags on that fateful day on Operation DeSoto, my heart went numb and has been so since that day. Only the death of Mills Miller created a greater void in my life. I was in the Philippines when I read of the death of Bobbie, and again I wondered why I made it out alive. I wish you all were here with me, to laugh and retell the stories of by-gone days. I will join you someday, keep a rubber lady on a cot for me... Doc Riddle14 Mar 2004 Here it is another year on the 16th. I shall remember you forever and that day holds a special meaning to me. I spoke to JJ last week, he kept your dog tag, which he returned to your family. Just ambling ... Miss you. Doc 30 May 2005 Memorial Day, 2005, and I still have you in my heart. I wish I could have saved you. Keep the gates open for me. I know you are probably a Gunny by now, so you can set the rules for the pearly gates.... Doc 17 Mar 2006 Mills, it has been 39 years since that day. I am in contact with Toni on occasion and with J on a regular basis. I am getting older and I look forward to the day when I can see you again... Doc 04 Jan 2008Mills is buried in Evergreen Cemetery 3401 W 87th St Evergreen Park, IL 60805. 16 Mar 2008 Today, a long time ago, we were together. Keep me in mind for a longer time together in the future... Love you and miss you... Doc "Doc" Alan Riddle Corpsman, Fleet Marine Force condoc@hctc.com |
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