Albert Linsenmeyer MPHS Jan 66 has developed an interesting and well followed blog about the Military.
military analysis
thursday, october 17, 2013
Arcona & Thielbek.
This is coolbert:
Yet more "Hell Ships".
It seems this subject regrettably so is an never-ending study.
From a variety of sources and the original article in the Jerusalem Post we have the story of the Arcona and Thielbek.
German merchant vessels crammed full of concentration camp victims at that absolute end of the war [only one day before German surrender, WW2] sunk as the result of Allied action, attack by English Typhoon ground attack aircraft. Loss of life horrendous and almost total, without amelioration, the victims perishing in a horrible manner just as liberation was close at hand.
"The friendly fires of hell" by Robert J. White-Harvey
"7,000 Holocaust survivors were inadvertently killed by the UK a day before Germany surrendered."
"On May 3, 1945 - in the worst friendly-fire incident in history - Britain's Royal Air Force killed more than 7,000 survivors of Nazi concentration camps who were crowded onto ships in Lubeck harbor, Germany. The ragged masses that had survived the Holocaust stood no chance against the guns of their liberators. This tragic mistake occurred one day before the British accepted the surrender of all German forces in the region."
Among the victims we find a wide variety of nationalities and violators of Nazi fascist law, persons deemed as "enemies" of the Reich worthy of death.
"The prisoners were from at least 30 nationalities: American, Belarussian, Belgian, Canadian, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourger, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swiss, Ukrainian, Yugoslavian and others."
"Most of the inmates were Jews and Russian POWs, but they also included communist sympathizers, pacifists, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, prostitutes, Gypsies and other perceived enemies of the Third Reich."
Of the Cap Arcona:
"The Cap Arcona was a large German luxury ocean liner, formerly of the Hamburg-South America line. It transported passengers between Germany and South America until 1940 when it was taken over by the German Navy."
"Late in the war, the ship was used for the evacuation of Germans from East Prussia. While heavily-laden with prisoners from Nazi concentration camps, she was sunk in 1945 by the Royal Air Force. About 5,000 people died. The sinking of the Cap Arcona was one of the biggest single-incident maritime losses of life during the war and, as such, one of the largest maritime losses of life in history."
The Arcona having participated in Hannibal and emerged unscathed, nonetheless with only a day to go in the European war the vessel sunk, that loss of life immense.
And of Thielbek:
"The Thielbek was a 2,815 GRT freighter that was sunk along with the SS Cap Arcona and the SS Deutschland during British air raids on May 3, 1945 while anchored in the Bay of Lübeck with the loss of 2,750 lives."
British resoluteness in pressing the attack rather strange at this point of the war? It has been suggested that the two ships carried large contingents of SS men and Gestapo planning to flee to either Sweden or Norway? Using the concentration camp victims as human shields it might be supposed.
The English had prior advance warning of these ships sailing from Ultra intelligence and the decision was made for aerial bombardment to prevent escape of potential war criminals, human shields as on board the Arcona and Thielbek either not a consideration or the presence of same not known?
Those Japanese "Hell Ships" of the Pacific theatre well known. Less well know is Operation Hannibal. Beyond that the Mediterranean "Hell Ships"carrying Italian POW [and also sunk by allied action] even less well known while Arcona and Thielbek practically non-entities for the historians.
Those Typhoon pilots at that exact moment not knowing the Arcona and Thielbek carry concentration camp victims this not to be deemed as gratuitous slaughter or and allied war crime.
Yet more "Hell Ships".
It seems this subject regrettably so is an never-ending study.
From a variety of sources and the original article in the Jerusalem Post we have the story of the Arcona and Thielbek.
German merchant vessels crammed full of concentration camp victims at that absolute end of the war [only one day before German surrender, WW2] sunk as the result of Allied action, attack by English Typhoon ground attack aircraft. Loss of life horrendous and almost total, without amelioration, the victims perishing in a horrible manner just as liberation was close at hand.
"The friendly fires of hell" by Robert J. White-Harvey
"7,000 Holocaust survivors were inadvertently killed by the UK a day before Germany surrendered."
"On May 3, 1945 - in the worst friendly-fire incident in history - Britain's Royal Air Force killed more than 7,000 survivors of Nazi concentration camps who were crowded onto ships in Lubeck harbor, Germany. The ragged masses that had survived the Holocaust stood no chance against the guns of their liberators. This tragic mistake occurred one day before the British accepted the surrender of all German forces in the region."
Among the victims we find a wide variety of nationalities and violators of Nazi fascist law, persons deemed as "enemies" of the Reich worthy of death.
"The prisoners were from at least 30 nationalities: American, Belarussian, Belgian, Canadian, Czechoslovakian, Danish, Dutch, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Luxembourger, Norwegian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swiss, Ukrainian, Yugoslavian and others."
"Most of the inmates were Jews and Russian POWs, but they also included communist sympathizers, pacifists, Jehovah's Witnesses, homosexuals, prostitutes, Gypsies and other perceived enemies of the Third Reich."
Of the Cap Arcona:
"The Cap Arcona was a large German luxury ocean liner, formerly of the Hamburg-South America line. It transported passengers between Germany and South America until 1940 when it was taken over by the German Navy."
"Late in the war, the ship was used for the evacuation of Germans from East Prussia. While heavily-laden with prisoners from Nazi concentration camps, she was sunk in 1945 by the Royal Air Force. About 5,000 people died. The sinking of the Cap Arcona was one of the biggest single-incident maritime losses of life during the war and, as such, one of the largest maritime losses of life in history."
The Arcona having participated in Hannibal and emerged unscathed, nonetheless with only a day to go in the European war the vessel sunk, that loss of life immense.
And of Thielbek:
"The Thielbek was a 2,815 GRT freighter that was sunk along with the SS Cap Arcona and the SS Deutschland during British air raids on May 3, 1945 while anchored in the Bay of Lübeck with the loss of 2,750 lives."
British resoluteness in pressing the attack rather strange at this point of the war? It has been suggested that the two ships carried large contingents of SS men and Gestapo planning to flee to either Sweden or Norway? Using the concentration camp victims as human shields it might be supposed.
The English had prior advance warning of these ships sailing from Ultra intelligence and the decision was made for aerial bombardment to prevent escape of potential war criminals, human shields as on board the Arcona and Thielbek either not a consideration or the presence of same not known?
Those Japanese "Hell Ships" of the Pacific theatre well known. Less well know is Operation Hannibal. Beyond that the Mediterranean "Hell Ships"carrying Italian POW [and also sunk by allied action] even less well known while Arcona and Thielbek practically non-entities for the historians.
Those Typhoon pilots at that exact moment not knowing the Arcona and Thielbek carry concentration camp victims this not to be deemed as gratuitous slaughter or and allied war crime.
wednesday, october 16, 2013
Commandante Morgan.
This is coolbert:
Yanqui' Commandante!
Never heard of this man until only yesterday.
American soldier of fortune fighting with the Cuban revolutionaries in opposition to the dictator Batista. Revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro.
William Alexander Morgan.
"William Alexander Morgan (April 19, 1928 – March 11, 1961) was a United States citizen who fought in the Cuban Revolution. He was one of about two dozen U.S. citizens to fight with Castro's forces and one of only three foreign nationals to hold the rank of Comandante in the revolutionary forces."
From a variety of sources:
1. "An 'Americano' Revolutionary in Castro's Cuba"
"William Morgan was not your typical Cuban Revolutionary. Not only was he an American, but he was also anti-communist."
Morgan a man having some attributes of the "white messiah". A man almost in a league with the likes of T.E. Lawrence, Orde Wingate, Brookes Rajah of Sarawak, Homer Lea, Frederick Townsend Ward.
That "white messiah" a charismatic foreigner, most often an American or Englishman, possessing a military background, able to lead the forces of an indigenous insurgency to victory over the despot.
The "white messiah" able to organize, train, plan, lead into battle the insurgents. Those insurgents ultimately victorious in large measure to the efforts of the charismatic outsider.
That "white messiah" often a subject of fable and film, "The Last Samurai", "Avatar", "Dances with Wolves", etc.
Morgan having military background but not so exceptional in any manner. Rather it seems the man was a ne'er-do-well so army service was what they refer to as checkered.
But Morgan successful as a guerrilla fighter during the uprising against the Batista regime. Displayed courage and bravery and became a commandante, such was his value to the revolution esteemed.
"Morgan went to Cuba in 1957. He opposed the Batista dictatorship and led a guerrilla force of the Second National Front of the Escambray (Segundo Frente Nacional de Escambray or SFNE) that operated against Batista's soldiers in the Escambray Mountains in central Cuba."
Morgan it seems a confidant of both Castro and Che Guevera!
Morgan an anti-Batista but ALSO anti-communist. Only several years after victory Morgan having run afoul of Castro and shot by firing squad, his body never returned to the United States!
Morgan long gone many years now but NOT forgotten. Even consideration being given to make a movie about the man. Again, almost in the manner of a T.E. Lawrence.
2. "Cuban war story lures George Clooney from Hollywood"
"Clooney wants to film Toledoan's fight for spouse's remains"
Olga resolute to repatriate the body of Morgan to his homeland, the Cuban government steadfast unto this day, no repatriation possible.
Morgan si, Castro no? Such perhaps someday will be the legacy of the Cuban Revolution?
Yanqui' Commandante!
Never heard of this man until only yesterday.
American soldier of fortune fighting with the Cuban revolutionaries in opposition to the dictator Batista. Revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro.
William Alexander Morgan.
"William Alexander Morgan (April 19, 1928 – March 11, 1961) was a United States citizen who fought in the Cuban Revolution. He was one of about two dozen U.S. citizens to fight with Castro's forces and one of only three foreign nationals to hold the rank of Comandante in the revolutionary forces."
From a variety of sources:
1. "An 'Americano' Revolutionary in Castro's Cuba"
"William Morgan was not your typical Cuban Revolutionary. Not only was he an American, but he was also anti-communist."
Morgan a man having some attributes of the "white messiah". A man almost in a league with the likes of T.E. Lawrence, Orde Wingate, Brookes Rajah of Sarawak, Homer Lea, Frederick Townsend Ward.
That "white messiah" a charismatic foreigner, most often an American or Englishman, possessing a military background, able to lead the forces of an indigenous insurgency to victory over the despot.
The "white messiah" able to organize, train, plan, lead into battle the insurgents. Those insurgents ultimately victorious in large measure to the efforts of the charismatic outsider.
That "white messiah" often a subject of fable and film, "The Last Samurai", "Avatar", "Dances with Wolves", etc.
Morgan having military background but not so exceptional in any manner. Rather it seems the man was a ne'er-do-well so army service was what they refer to as checkered.
But Morgan successful as a guerrilla fighter during the uprising against the Batista regime. Displayed courage and bravery and became a commandante, such was his value to the revolution esteemed.
"Morgan went to Cuba in 1957. He opposed the Batista dictatorship and led a guerrilla force of the Second National Front of the Escambray (Segundo Frente Nacional de Escambray or SFNE) that operated against Batista's soldiers in the Escambray Mountains in central Cuba."
Morgan it seems a confidant of both Castro and Che Guevera!
Morgan on the far right. Apparently Fidel on the far left and Che third from the left. Some indication of the importance of Morgan his position in the front ranks of the victorious revolutionaries?
Morgan an anti-Batista but ALSO anti-communist. Only several years after victory Morgan having run afoul of Castro and shot by firing squad, his body never returned to the United States!
Here Morgan with his Cuban wife Olga, the latter also a guerrilla!
"I am here because I believe that the most important thing for free men to do is to protect the freedom of others. I am here so that my son, when he is grown, will not have to fight or die in a land not his own, because one man or group of men try to take his liberty from him. I am here because I believe that free men should take up arms and stand together and fight and destroy the groups and forces that want to take the rights of people away." - - William A. Morgan.
Olga today and living in the United States. Many decades after events as originally transpired.
Morgan long gone many years now but NOT forgotten. Even consideration being given to make a movie about the man. Again, almost in the manner of a T.E. Lawrence.
2. "Cuban war story lures George Clooney from Hollywood"
"Clooney wants to film Toledoan's fight for spouse's remains"
Olga resolute to repatriate the body of Morgan to his homeland, the Cuban government steadfast unto this day, no repatriation possible.
Morgan si, Castro no? Such perhaps someday will be the legacy of the Cuban Revolution?
tuesday, october 15, 2013
This is coolbert:
From the web site Fred on Everything we have extracts with commentary, those persons best described as "Military Reformers" proven wrong.
1. "The Fighter Mafia"
"Of Oodle-oops and Error"
"This will bore readers, except military buffs and politics- junkies, into a coma. Apologies. However as a study of the manipulation of the media it may be of some note. Readers interested in more about the Military Reformers and their techniques may read This, an op-ed piece I did before Gulf I [Gulf War One] for the Washington Post."
"I recently found in The American Conservative a piece called Forty Years of the Fighter Mafia, this mafia being a subset of the 'Military Reformers,' who have insisted for many years that weaponry used by the Pentagon 'doesn´t work' because it is too complex . . . "
"Their song was, and is, that America needed simple, robust, reliable weaponry such as the Soviet Union was said to have, instead of the over-technologized equipment that the US favored."
This is the KISS, keep-it-simple-stupid approach!! According to the reformers, the Soviet had it right and the Americans had it all wrong!!
2. "The Military Reformers"
"The tank for midgets, the aluminum fireball, and other strange tales from the camp of those critics who want only to Give Our Boys the Best."
"This will bore most readers to suicide. It is an op-ed I did for the Washington Post in the Eighties, later picked up by Air Force Magazine. Since I recently encountered in The American Conservative yet another piece puffing the Reformers, whom I had to suffer with greatly in the past, I repost this. Apologies to all but military buffs."
"The United States as a nation does not think carefully about the military, an unsatisfactory situation given the dangers of a heavily armed world and the baffling complexity of military questions. One reason for the lack of disciplined analysis is that an odd group in Washington, calling themselves Military Reformers, manages to corrupt thoughtful debate—chiefly by reducing it to clowning."
"The Reformers are diverse, having little in common other than great self-esteem and matching confidence. They include free-lance intellectuals, veterans, employees of the Pentagon, technical men, journalists, men, women, and, if not children, some who are intellectually not much beyond childhood."
"By and large (exceptions can be found to any of this), they believe that we need weapons employing older and simpler technology (which they tend to equate) and that most of our equipment today is badly designed and unreliable, doesn't work, or is unrelated to the realities of combat"
Soviet military equipment so was the thought, able to stand up better in combat, much of that high-tech gear as favored by American military designers not working as hoped.
From "Inside the Soviet Army" the defector Suvorov commenting on the "simplicity" of Soviet military hardware:
"Technology is developing and each year equipment becomes more and more complex. But this does not conflict with the overall philosophy of Soviet designers. ., . . the iron, unbreakable principle observed by Soviet designers retains its force. Whenever a new piece of equipment is being developed, making the use of highly complex tools and techniques unavoidable . . . The designers will always select the very simplest possible of all the choices open to them."
"The simplicity of Soviet weapons surprises everyone. But each type of equipment which is produced is turned out in two variants - - the normal one and the 'monkey-model'."
The 'monkey-model' is a weapon which has been simplified in every conceivable way and which is intended for production in wartime only. [or for export to allies]
To reiterate Soviet era military equipment manufactured in two varieties, one for use by Soviet troops, a second for export only that latter as sold to foreign nations of much greater simplicity.
"I have seen two variants of the BMP-1 infantry combat vehicle - - one which is issued to the Soviet army and another which is intended for the Soviet Unions's Arab friends. I counted sixty-three simplification which made the second 'monkey-model' different from the original version."
"When one of these 'monkey-models' fell into the hands of Western specialists, they naturally gained a complete false impression of the true combat capabilities of the BMP-1 . . . For what they were looking at was no more than a casing, or a container"
That Soviet paradigm, doctrine and tactics during the Cold War also to present overwhelming and unstoppable NUMBERS to the allied forces of NATO, the "steamroller" in action as has been the case from during the time of Czarist Russian and perhaps even before that.
Reformers with hindsight wrong, high-technologists right? Devoted readers to the blog can comment.
From the web site Fred on Everything we have extracts with commentary, those persons best described as "Military Reformers" proven wrong.
1. "The Fighter Mafia"
"Of Oodle-oops and Error"
"This will bore readers, except military buffs and politics- junkies, into a coma. Apologies. However as a study of the manipulation of the media it may be of some note. Readers interested in more about the Military Reformers and their techniques may read This, an op-ed piece I did before Gulf I [Gulf War One] for the Washington Post."
"I recently found in The American Conservative a piece called Forty Years of the Fighter Mafia, this mafia being a subset of the 'Military Reformers,' who have insisted for many years that weaponry used by the Pentagon 'doesn´t work' because it is too complex . . . "
"Their song was, and is, that America needed simple, robust, reliable weaponry such as the Soviet Union was said to have, instead of the over-technologized equipment that the US favored."
This is the KISS, keep-it-simple-stupid approach!! According to the reformers, the Soviet had it right and the Americans had it all wrong!!
2. "The Military Reformers"
"The tank for midgets, the aluminum fireball, and other strange tales from the camp of those critics who want only to Give Our Boys the Best."
"This will bore most readers to suicide. It is an op-ed I did for the Washington Post in the Eighties, later picked up by Air Force Magazine. Since I recently encountered in The American Conservative yet another piece puffing the Reformers, whom I had to suffer with greatly in the past, I repost this. Apologies to all but military buffs."
"The United States as a nation does not think carefully about the military, an unsatisfactory situation given the dangers of a heavily armed world and the baffling complexity of military questions. One reason for the lack of disciplined analysis is that an odd group in Washington, calling themselves Military Reformers, manages to corrupt thoughtful debate—chiefly by reducing it to clowning."
"The Reformers are diverse, having little in common other than great self-esteem and matching confidence. They include free-lance intellectuals, veterans, employees of the Pentagon, technical men, journalists, men, women, and, if not children, some who are intellectually not much beyond childhood."
"By and large (exceptions can be found to any of this), they believe that we need weapons employing older and simpler technology (which they tend to equate) and that most of our equipment today is badly designed and unreliable, doesn't work, or is unrelated to the realities of combat"
Soviet military equipment so was the thought, able to stand up better in combat, much of that high-tech gear as favored by American military designers not working as hoped.
From "Inside the Soviet Army" the defector Suvorov commenting on the "simplicity" of Soviet military hardware:
"Technology is developing and each year equipment becomes more and more complex. But this does not conflict with the overall philosophy of Soviet designers. ., . . the iron, unbreakable principle observed by Soviet designers retains its force. Whenever a new piece of equipment is being developed, making the use of highly complex tools and techniques unavoidable . . . The designers will always select the very simplest possible of all the choices open to them."
"The simplicity of Soviet weapons surprises everyone. But each type of equipment which is produced is turned out in two variants - - the normal one and the 'monkey-model'."
The 'monkey-model' is a weapon which has been simplified in every conceivable way and which is intended for production in wartime only. [or for export to allies]
To reiterate Soviet era military equipment manufactured in two varieties, one for use by Soviet troops, a second for export only that latter as sold to foreign nations of much greater simplicity.
"I have seen two variants of the BMP-1 infantry combat vehicle - - one which is issued to the Soviet army and another which is intended for the Soviet Unions's Arab friends. I counted sixty-three simplification which made the second 'monkey-model' different from the original version."
"When one of these 'monkey-models' fell into the hands of Western specialists, they naturally gained a complete false impression of the true combat capabilities of the BMP-1 . . . For what they were looking at was no more than a casing, or a container"
That Soviet paradigm, doctrine and tactics during the Cold War also to present overwhelming and unstoppable NUMBERS to the allied forces of NATO, the "steamroller" in action as has been the case from during the time of Czarist Russian and perhaps even before that.
Reformers with hindsight wrong, high-technologists right? Devoted readers to the blog can comment.
sunday, october 13, 2013
This is coolbert:
Thanks to the Avi Yaffe web site and the tip from Le Mont De Sisphyelisten to the actual tactical combat communications from forty years ago the Israeli Bar Lev Line strong points as the attack by the Egyptian forces commences, that Yom Kippur/Ramadan war of 1973.
"Excerpts from original recordings from the 'Yom Kippur War, 1973 Recorded by Avi Yaffe at the 'Suez Canal' Bunkers."
During those radio transmissions when you hear in the background a weapon being cocked and fired, or detonations from artillery shells falling on target that is not make believe or "for the movies" type of stuff. Is for real!
That testimony of the Israeli soldier Danny describing the execution of surrendered Israeli troops must be understood within context. That Egyptian officer [a lieutenant] having something specific in mind when he asks the captured Israeli troops if anyone them had fought in '67 [that Six Day War of 1967].
Numbers of Egyptian troops [that exact number not clear, perhaps in the hundreds] having been shot dead during that Six Day War, the Egyptian with hands up, weapons thrown away. So are the allegations made. THE EGYPTIAN IN 1973 SEEKING REVENGE ON CAPTURED ISRAELI!
I can almost with 100 % certainty explain without justifying the shootings as occurred in 1967. Rapidly advancing Israeli armor columns [tanks] when encountering surrendering Egyptian troops just machine gunning them dead. Those tank crews not able to spare a crew member to guard the vanquished adversary, NOR can they just let them go. Only once course of action is possible!
Again, NOT to justify, but merely to explain the circumstances!
Thanks to the Avi Yaffe web site and the tip from Le Mont De Sisphyelisten to the actual tactical combat communications from forty years ago the Israeli Bar Lev Line strong points as the attack by the Egyptian forces commences, that Yom Kippur/Ramadan war of 1973.
"Excerpts from original recordings from the 'Yom Kippur War, 1973 Recorded by Avi Yaffe at the 'Suez Canal' Bunkers."
During those radio transmissions when you hear in the background a weapon being cocked and fired, or detonations from artillery shells falling on target that is not make believe or "for the movies" type of stuff. Is for real!
That testimony of the Israeli soldier Danny describing the execution of surrendered Israeli troops must be understood within context. That Egyptian officer [a lieutenant] having something specific in mind when he asks the captured Israeli troops if anyone them had fought in '67 [that Six Day War of 1967].
Numbers of Egyptian troops [that exact number not clear, perhaps in the hundreds] having been shot dead during that Six Day War, the Egyptian with hands up, weapons thrown away. So are the allegations made. THE EGYPTIAN IN 1973 SEEKING REVENGE ON CAPTURED ISRAELI!
I can almost with 100 % certainty explain without justifying the shootings as occurred in 1967. Rapidly advancing Israeli armor columns [tanks] when encountering surrendering Egyptian troops just machine gunning them dead. Those tank crews not able to spare a crew member to guard the vanquished adversary, NOR can they just let them go. Only once course of action is possible!
Again, NOT to justify, but merely to explain the circumstances!
friday, october 11, 2013
This is coolbert:
"US sacks nuclear missiles General Michael Carey"
"The Air Force cited General Carey's behaviour on a temporary duty [TDY] assignment"
"The general in charge of the US Air Force's long-range nuclear missiles has been sacked due to 'loss of trust and confidence', officials have said."
Those allegations of mis-behavior during a TDY assignment not specified. Again, even the appearance counts. And even if totally unfounded. Allegations NOT of a sexual nature so it is stated.
, , , ,
"On Wednesday the US Navy announced an admiral overseeing nuclear weapons forces had been sacked from the role."
"That was due to illegal gambling activities, officials said."
Counterfeit chips as used at a gambling casino that is!
This General Carey at the end of his career, thirty-five years of service, unblemished to this point, and now disgrace of a sort.
The relief of cashiering of a flag officer [general or admiral] not taken lightly, nonetheless a sign that all is being done according to the book, no strings pulled, regulations applied in an even and fair manner.
"NO person can command a nuclear equipped unit if there is even the appearance of wrongdoing, even if totally unfounded!"
"US sacks nuclear missiles General Michael Carey"
"The Air Force cited General Carey's behaviour on a temporary duty [TDY] assignment"
"The general in charge of the US Air Force's long-range nuclear missiles has been sacked due to 'loss of trust and confidence', officials have said."
Those allegations of mis-behavior during a TDY assignment not specified. Again, even the appearance counts. And even if totally unfounded. Allegations NOT of a sexual nature so it is stated.
, , , ,
"On Wednesday the US Navy announced an admiral overseeing nuclear weapons forces had been sacked from the role."
"That was due to illegal gambling activities, officials said."
Counterfeit chips as used at a gambling casino that is!
This General Carey at the end of his career, thirty-five years of service, unblemished to this point, and now disgrace of a sort.
The relief of cashiering of a flag officer [general or admiral] not taken lightly, nonetheless a sign that all is being done according to the book, no strings pulled, regulations applied in an even and fair manner.
thursday, october 10, 2013
This is coolbert:
From that prior blog entry:
"Surprisingly so [?] it having been determined that about 20 % of foreignjihadist killed on the Iraq or Afghan battlefield having at one time LIVED IN THE UNITED STATES AND DURING THEIR RESIDENCE ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH A CRIME!"
NO! That 20 % a figure WAY TOO HIGH. Is rather 1 %. That lower figure however not to be minimized.
Originally from the Washington Post article as authored by Ellen Nakashima as of 2008 and also as seen at another web site.
"Post-9/11 Dragnet Turns Up Surprises"
"In the six-and-a-half years that the U.S. government has been fingerprinting insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, hundreds have turned out to share an unexpected background, FBI and military officials said. They have criminal arrest records in the United States."
. . . .
"The records suggest that potential enemies abroad know a great deal about the United States because many of them have lived here, officials said. The matches also reflect the power of sharing data across agencies and even countries, data that links an identity to a distinguishing human characteristic such as a fingerprint."
. . . .
"The FBI team fingerprinted 3,800 fighters. More than 40, Shannon said, had previous criminal records in the agency's database."
"Many of those with U.S. arrest records had come to the United States to study ..."
OH, I'm sure they studied quite hard. And always had a smile on their face for everyone too.
AND in the aftermath of the most recent Westgate Mall Kenya terrorist incident:
"the United States wants autopsy and forensic data, including DNA samples, to help determine if Americans were part of it, the official said."
YES, fingerprints, dental records, DNA samples, etc.
That Somali-based al-Shabaab terror group reportedly having recruited American citizens or legal residents of the United States, persons of Somali ancestry missing from their homes and having traveled to Somalia within the context of waging jihad.
CSI GWOT and it works.
From that prior blog entry:
"Surprisingly so [?] it having been determined that about 20 % of foreignjihadist killed on the Iraq or Afghan battlefield having at one time LIVED IN THE UNITED STATES AND DURING THEIR RESIDENCE ARRESTED AND CHARGED WITH A CRIME!"
NO! That 20 % a figure WAY TOO HIGH. Is rather 1 %. That lower figure however not to be minimized.
Originally from the Washington Post article as authored by Ellen Nakashima as of 2008 and also as seen at another web site.
"Post-9/11 Dragnet Turns Up Surprises"
"In the six-and-a-half years that the U.S. government has been fingerprinting insurgents, detainees and ordinary people in Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa, hundreds have turned out to share an unexpected background, FBI and military officials said. They have criminal arrest records in the United States."
. . . .
"The records suggest that potential enemies abroad know a great deal about the United States because many of them have lived here, officials said. The matches also reflect the power of sharing data across agencies and even countries, data that links an identity to a distinguishing human characteristic such as a fingerprint."
. . . .
"The FBI team fingerprinted 3,800 fighters. More than 40, Shannon said, had previous criminal records in the agency's database."
"Many of those with U.S. arrest records had come to the United States to study ..."
OH, I'm sure they studied quite hard. And always had a smile on their face for everyone too.
AND in the aftermath of the most recent Westgate Mall Kenya terrorist incident:
"the United States wants autopsy and forensic data, including DNA samples, to help determine if Americans were part of it, the official said."
YES, fingerprints, dental records, DNA samples, etc.
That Somali-based al-Shabaab terror group reportedly having recruited American citizens or legal residents of the United States, persons of Somali ancestry missing from their homes and having traveled to Somalia within the context of waging jihad.
CSI GWOT and it works.
Rockeye & Skeet.
This is coolbert:
First there was Rockeye and now there is Skeet!
Rockeye a cluster bomb "dumb" in contrast to "skeet" which is "smart"!
From the Strategy Page article "Hockey Pucks From Hell" by James Dunnigan
"First used during the 2003 Iraq war, the CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon is a cluster type bomb that releases 10 29.6 kg (65 pound) BLU-108 submunitions that in turn ejects 4 smaller hockey puck shaped “skeet” robots that seek out and attack armored vehicles . . . The CBU-105 can be used to attack formations of tanks, giving most of the submunitions an opportunity to destroy a vehicle."
Sub-munitions SMART, possessing organic and sophisticated sensors "skeet" or "hockey puck" type weaponry having an anti-armor application. Each "hockey puck" destroying enemy armor by the use of an EXPLOSIVELY FORMED PROJECTILE [EFP]!
That sub-munition detonating above an enemy tank, that EFP firing in aDOWNWARD trajectory, mortal damage to an armored vehicle the result.
That concept and tactic for engaging and defeating enemy tanks of course "Skeet" proceeded by Rockeye.
"The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk 118 Mod 1 bomblets."
"The anti-tank cluster bomb is an air-launched, conventional free-fall weapon."AND not smart. NOT having organic high-sophisticated sensors. That earlier version of such weaponry the technology not available or felt to be necessary.
"Each bomblet weighs 1.32 pounds (600 g) and has a 0.4-pound (180 g) shaped-charge warhead of high explosives, which produces up to 250,000 psi (1.7 GPa) at the point of impact, allowing penetration of approximately 7.5 inches (190 mm) of armor. Rockeye is most efficiently used against area targets requiring penetration to kill"
Rockeye cluster munitions from that era of the Cold War the usage of which was envisioned as one way to counter those massed formations of Soviet tanks during a breakthrough offensive. The worst nightmare of the NATO alliance, "Big Red" moves west.
Soviet tank divisions, tank armies, groups of tank armies and groups [?] of groups of tank armies terribly arrayed and echeloned, exploiting a rupture of NATO defenses, those massed formations of tanks and inexorable force deemed as unstoppable.
Rockeye seen as one option non-nuclear that had a possibility of countering the Soviet breakthrough. A multitude of shaped charges as released from the cluster bomb striking downward at the top most area of a tank, where the armor is thinnest.
An enemy tank either destroyed by sympathetic secondary explosionsOR damage to the engine of the tank such that the armored vehicle rendered immobile.
"Skeet", however, an exportable weapon, being sold in abundance to foreign nations.
"Skeet" as with Rockeye before it having the same value on the battlefield as a tactical nuclear weapon but not an atomic detonation as that term understood. But hardly less deadly!
First there was Rockeye and now there is Skeet!
Rockeye a cluster bomb "dumb" in contrast to "skeet" which is "smart"!
From the Strategy Page article "Hockey Pucks From Hell" by James Dunnigan
"First used during the 2003 Iraq war, the CBU-105 Sensor Fuzed Weapon is a cluster type bomb that releases 10 29.6 kg (65 pound) BLU-108 submunitions that in turn ejects 4 smaller hockey puck shaped “skeet” robots that seek out and attack armored vehicles . . . The CBU-105 can be used to attack formations of tanks, giving most of the submunitions an opportunity to destroy a vehicle."
Sub-munitions SMART, possessing organic and sophisticated sensors "skeet" or "hockey puck" type weaponry having an anti-armor application. Each "hockey puck" destroying enemy armor by the use of an EXPLOSIVELY FORMED PROJECTILE [EFP]!
That sub-munition detonating above an enemy tank, that EFP firing in aDOWNWARD trajectory, mortal damage to an armored vehicle the result.
"Skeet" detonates ABOVE the target, the EFP projected downward, the EFP a molten blob of copper striking the top most part of the enemy armor vehicle at high velocity.
That concept and tactic for engaging and defeating enemy tanks of course "Skeet" proceeded by Rockeye.
"The CBU-100 Cluster Bomb (also called the Mk-20 Rockeye II) is an American cluster bomb which is employed primarily in an anti-tank mode. It weighs 490 pounds and carries 247 Mk 118 Mod 1 bomblets."
"The anti-tank cluster bomb is an air-launched, conventional free-fall weapon."AND not smart. NOT having organic high-sophisticated sensors. That earlier version of such weaponry the technology not available or felt to be necessary.
"Each bomblet weighs 1.32 pounds (600 g) and has a 0.4-pound (180 g) shaped-charge warhead of high explosives, which produces up to 250,000 psi (1.7 GPa) at the point of impact, allowing penetration of approximately 7.5 inches (190 mm) of armor. Rockeye is most efficiently used against area targets requiring penetration to kill"
Rockeye cluster munitions from that era of the Cold War the usage of which was envisioned as one way to counter those massed formations of Soviet tanks during a breakthrough offensive. The worst nightmare of the NATO alliance, "Big Red" moves west.
Soviet tank divisions, tank armies, groups of tank armies and groups [?] of groups of tank armies terribly arrayed and echeloned, exploiting a rupture of NATO defenses, those massed formations of tanks and inexorable force deemed as unstoppable.
Rockeye seen as one option non-nuclear that had a possibility of countering the Soviet breakthrough. A multitude of shaped charges as released from the cluster bomb striking downward at the top most area of a tank, where the armor is thinnest.
An enemy tank either destroyed by sympathetic secondary explosionsOR damage to the engine of the tank such that the armored vehicle rendered immobile.
"Skeet", however, an exportable weapon, being sold in abundance to foreign nations.
"Skeet" as with Rockeye before it having the same value on the battlefield as a tactical nuclear weapon but not an atomic detonation as that term understood. But hardly less deadly!
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