Feb 15, 2014

Vietnam and the Cold War

We were exactly the right age to enjoy participating in or protesting the Vietnam War and the Cold War. Our parents survived the depression and World War II. We got Vietnam and the Cold War and our children got the War on Terrorism.

We would appreciate the stories of anyone, whether you opposed the war, fought in it, served else where in the military, went to Canada, jail, etc. And women please contribute - you did not get drafted, but you also went through tough times. Or if you know of anyone who had an interesting story, please ask them to email it to:

We will add it to one of the blogs below. Your choice if you want not to be identified in the story - let us know and we will just use your first name. Or use your real name, in case this becomes a best seller.

If you have already contributed, please feel free to update and expand your contribution. Or if you know of someone from MPHS or the “Hood” who had an interesting experience, please let us know how to contact them.

There is an old curse that says "May you live in interesting times". The late 60's and early 70's were certainly that.

Vietnam was certainly a sad event.  Millions of people died in Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, many after the United States left those countries to fight and lose the war on their own. Fortunately for the world the United States won the Cold War when the Soviet Union came apart and a all of Europe gave up Communism.

Vietnam Discussions vietnammphs.blogspot.com

Click for more photos

Vietnam - a nice place to visit but I would not want to live there.

Vietnam - not much of a war but the only one we had.

Vietnam - don't blame MPHSers - we were winning when we left.

We gotta get out of this place, if its the last thing we ever do.

We were all glad to get back to the world.

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