Jul 1, 2012

Numbers of Note

It's all in the numbers, fellow Empehi alums, and here are some we think you might be interested in.

19 -- the number of our classmates who live in Colorado and are potentially impacted by the wildfires.  Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.

32 -- the number of days until our reunion in Chicago!  Go to the website and purchase your tickets now -- or get that check in the mail.  You know the website -- 

0 - the number of people who have requested "Scholarship" assistance to attend the reunion. Send requests to our Treasurer, Judy Halligan Willingham, at 
empehireunion@aol.com and remember -- it's all confidential.

? -- we honestly don't know how many of you are still confused about our website page, Classmates Today, and the website classmates.com...but they are NOT related.  Please sign up on Classmates Today -- you won't get porn or spam or solicitations!  We promise. 

The Reunion Committee

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