Aug 20, 2010

MPHS Alums Discuss Social Security - Age 62 versus 66

MPHS Grads Discuss Social Security

We have been discussing the relative merits of taking Social Security at age 62 versus 66 on our Yahoo Empehi Group page.  Hard to believe that we are that old. And thanks for reminding us.

The web site below discusses the issue in some detail. In general, if you will keep working after 62, you should not take social security until age 66. If you retire at 62, you should probably take it. You don't lose by not taking it early because it goes up about 8% a year for each year you delay taking it, all the way to 70.  But each situation is different, so take a good look at your own needs.

Guess Who the Morgan Park Alums in the Photo Above Are?

Two points if you guess correctly
Guess before looking below for the right answer

Will Hepburn, Don Martensen, and Ken Zalga MPHS 1967+-

Just Kidding

Woke up feeling pretty good today
and then someone sent this photo of…

Eddie Haskell, The Beaver and Wally!

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