Jul 21, 2024

Brush With Greatness

 Brush With Greatness  -  Anyone have any brushes to add?


This witty and urbane discussion is from our old defunct political discussion Yahoo page for 60 something MPHS Alums, with later additions to this blog.


The closest I have been to a current or former President or Vice President was the great President of Vice Spiro Agnew. Beth and I were in a hotel in Hong Kong walking down a narrow and low corridor. There was Spiro. I brushed his sleeve as we walked by.

We smiled and nodded. This was a few years after he left office in disgrace.

My brush with greatness.

Craig Hullinger MPHS 66


A few years back I peed in the urinal Bill Gates had just left at the Vintage Club in Palm Desert. Unlike Craig though, I did not brush his greatness. After seeing Gate's handicap listed at the first hole, I realized he isn't all *that* great, anyway.

Will Hepburn MPHS 66


I've got nothing to match Will's urinal story. That one should go down in the historical archive of this Forum for uniqueness.

Don Martensen MPHS 66


I guess that beats a Dinner Party with the Governor of Guam...

Ken Zalga MPHS Alum


Mmmm, I like yours, a real deal.

Ron Veenstra MPHS Alum 66


Nah, having dinner with the governor of Guam is really impressive, since you were presumably invited to be there. If you crashed the governor's dinner party, that would be super impressive.

Don Martensen MPH Jan 66


No, I didn't crash the Dinner Party... In fact our Company hosted the party and I had to be there... So I met the Governor of Guam.... Big Whip... My only claim to fame.... and we might have shared the same urinal



Will, your great urinal escapade beats my interaction with Spiro. 

I acknowledge your greatness.

Craig Hullinger


I lived in Aspen after college for several years. John Denver lived there, and I used to see him about. Rode a small airplane from Denver to Aspen with him once, and we spoke again when he came in a store I worked in then. Very pleasant, as was his image.

Condelesa Rice gave the college commencement address at one of my children's graduations. We met her. Very calm, down to earth, and modest. Looked directly at who she spoke to - with her full attention. Liked her a lot.

And one of my daughters, who lives in AK, ran into one of those gnarly dudes in town from the TV program. She said he was just pleasant and normal (well, as normal as he gets).

MC Hunt


Case Closed...

MC has had a few good experiences... Condi Rice, who I would like to meet, John Denver not so much and don't know the gnarly dudes..

So I met the Governor of Guam... Don't think I ever shook his hand... I remember he came late and left early with an entourage.. Same thing with Harold Washington and Jayne Byrne.. But, I do have picture of Mike Ditka with his arms around both my wife and my secretary at the time... He was the guest speaker at the World Trade Association of Chicago...

Ken Zalga


MPHS Alums input from our old Yahoo Groups. Pleasant Conversations joined in the discussion.


I have had a few brushes with greatness. One was when I worked for the Cook County Treasurer in the county bldg in Chicago. I was on the 5th floor with a group of people including Dick Ogilvie waiting for our elevator when across the building Mayor Daley and his entourage approached their elevator. I envisioned barbed wire and fox holes between the two. They were not friendly with each other at the time.

I also was at Republican dinner at the Martinique in Evergreen Park as an aide for State Representative Mary Meany. I had a sash on that said "MEANY" across it and was standing to the side waiting to escort her to the dinner. She was talking to the owner and to King Donavan and Imogene Coca who were starring in a play at the time. In walked George Hamilton, who was young and gorgeous at the time (and dating Lynda Byrd Johnson) to talk to the owner about his appearance the next week in Barefoot in the Park. He took one look at my sash and asked my if I were really a Meany. I wanted to say "why don't you find out for yourself?" but being that Mrs Meany could hear me, I just explained why I was wearing the sash. Darn!!!

Also met Sammy Davis Jr at the Croydon Hotel on Rush St in Chicago. It was after 12 am and he had been playing in Golden Boy at one of the theaters and stopped by to have a drink with some of his friends. I was sitting at the piano bar singing a song (don't remember what it was) when he walked in and suddenly nothing would come out of my mouth. He came over and told me to continue and was just like the guy you saw on TV (cucukachoo and all). Then he sang Birth of the Blues with me. I will never forget that night to my dying day. What a wonderful man.......very short. but wonderful.

Gaye Marcus in PA


What great stories, Gaye. Pary on, girl!

Your mention of George Hamilton reminded me that I was never aware of anything he did, other than hang with the Johnson girl.

Maybe he was the original Kardashian.

Will Hepburn MPHS 66


Ok, at about the age of twelve, a friend and I were walking along the beach near Indiana Dunes State Park. We were skipping stones when Mayor Richard Daley barked at us for throwing stones because we could hurt somebody. He was surrounded by body guards and his huge bare belly burned an image in my brain that remains to this day.

Tony Visser... Sutherland 1/63


Great memories. I, too, have had a few moments. While a rodeo cowboy, I regularly met James Caan, Willy Nelson, and a few pro football players who used to calf rope. Met Bill Clinton once at a press tour and town hall meeting with the Cook County Board. Met Paul Newman often while placing admin assistants at his racing team, Newman Hass Racing, and always a nice guy. Attended Ramsey Lewis' parties with an old girl friend who lived a block from him. Used to see Christie Hefner at Karen's office all the time.

The secret to meeting famous people is to treat them like you would everyone else.

Tom Schildhouse


In other words don't brush their greatness.


That is impressive, sharing urinals with the Governor of Guam and Bill Gates.

I thought I had shot my wad with the great brush with greatness with Spiro.

But now that I think about it I saw the great Vice President Dan Quale at one of the inaugural balls in DC.

Try to top that one!!

But I did not get to brush his greatness package in the urinal.


Cartoons drawn by https://copilot.microsoft.com/


I once played Mr POTATO Head, is that about the same?

Ron Veenstra


You, win, Ron!



LOL, thanks...

Ron Veenstra


I rode the chair and skied with Jill St.John on Aspen (Ajax) Mountain back in 1967, once.  She was beautiful, kind, and I was awestruck.  Also rode the elevator with Jack Palance in a Holiday Inn in Greenbay WI.  He was a little arrogant. The chair ride with Jill was better.

T. Visser Sutherland 63


Went to an event when I was at CNA where President George H. W. Bush spoke and when I worked at ISMIE an event where President George W. Bush spoke.

John Meks


In the late 90's I was invited to an informal  reception given in honor of the then- Supreme Court judge William Rehnquist. I say informal because I clearly remember he was wearing a plaid shirt with rolled up sleeves, not a suit and tie.  Rehnquist was on holiday in Italy and had been out visiting the Chianti vineyards that day.  He was a guest in the  consular apartment and the Consul General had organized an evening reception with a buffet supper for a few friends.  (I was a friend of the Consul's wife)  Rehnquist mingled and chatted amicably with everyone and seemed a very down-to-earth person. 

Marie Buti


My sister and I met Walter Payton on an elevator, at the old McCormick Inn. We were attending a convention in September, 1990.

I also met Mayor Daley Sr. when I was 16. I was in the hospital for an emergency appendectomy, and he was visiting a friend. He stopped by to say hello to all of the people on the surgical ward.

One other meeting was with Greg Gumbel. He asked me for directions to a country club (I have forgotten the name of). He looked so familiar that I asked him if he went to Morgan Park. He then told me that he was Greg Gumbel with CBS Sports.

Mirjana Sampos


You made me laugh. I bet you put Mr Gumble in his place. 

Sandy Schuessler Wright


Some of you might recall meeting Peter Yarrow when we went to the Peter, Paul and Mary concert. He was staying at the same hotel. We even got our photo with him.
Sandy Schuessler Wright

I do remember that.  Here is a photo of us with Peter Yarrow.  He was at our hotel in Ravinia and Randy Lam went up to him and invited him over.

1992 Mini Reunion Peter, Paul, and Mary Concert (Peter, or Paul between Randy Lam and Craig Hullinger) 

Peter, Paul and Mary were a great folk singing group from our formative years. Great harmony and presentation.

Peter, Paul and Mary - Blowing in the Wind - YouTube
► 3:01► 3:01

May 26, 2012 - Uploaded by SubtitlemanBlowin' or Blowing in the Wind info: "Blowin' in the Wind" is a song written by Bob Dylan in 1962 and ...

Peter Paul & Mary - Leaving On A Jet Plane (1968) - YouTube
► 3:43► 3:43

Oct 19, 2010 - Uploaded by rockingoldiesThumbnail 44 videos Thumbnail Play all YouTube Mix · 3:53. Watch

Some of us had a mini reunion at Ravinia where we heard Peter, Paul and Mary. Peter Yarrow of Peter, Paul and Mary joined us at the hotel after the concert.

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