Morgan Park High School Class of 65-66-67
Our mission is to improve
connections among our former classmates. We use the systems below, including our Blog, Web site, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+. Each site is a little different and has a different mix of members.
connections among our former classmates. We use the systems below, including our Blog, Web site, Facebook, Yahoo, LinkedIn, Twitter and Google+. Each site is a little different and has a different mix of members.

If you get stuck send us an email to and we will help. If we don't know the answer we will make something up.
The best sites to interact with your former classmates are Yahoo, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter. Sign up and start posting photos and your great thoughts. The best sites to read the scoop about your classmates are the Blog and Web site.
We encourage you to sign up and start communicating with your old friends. We would love to hear from you.
2,825 Friends - For Everyone who Attended MPHS - All Years
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