Apr 18, 2013

Chess Team Restarted

We are creating the Morgan Park Alumni
Chess Club.  Everyone is invite to play.  It is on line and free. You don't have to have been a member back in the day to join up now.

Go to chess.com and sign up.  Then start playing.  You can play one game at a time, or multiple games. You can play very fast or take many days between moves.

There are 6 million players from all over the world on Chess.com. I usually play about 3 to 15 games, playing against people from all over the world. 

You don't have to have been a member of the MPHS Chess team to join now.

After you join up challenge me to a game.  Win, lose or draw you will be awarded a virtual reality MPHS Letter - A Green MP with a White C.

I notice that Al Carlson and Randy Lam are in the Chess Team photo. I am calling out you two and all the others to see if you still have your mojo.



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